44. The Most High: [What kind of a man is this who is above the wisdom of sexual orientation]

The world has become the world subdued by sex. This fatal reality compels the world to be governed by shocking sexual orientation. So, the language of the world is in line with the prevailing environment. As such, a mere man is entitled to claim to be a woman. On the other hand, a mere woman is entitled to claim to be a man. This is highly possible because the world has totally been colonised by the culture of sex. Therefore, the governments of the world have become the governments of promoting toxic sexual orientation.

“Lawrence Number One is above the wisdom of sexual orientation because it is grounded on the wisdom of the governments of the world, says heaven”.

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery. As soon as sex takes over the reign of the governments of the world, it is no longer business as usual. As we speak, the world is in a terrible state because it is being ravaged by negative sexual orientation. The moment we see people opposing themselves, they add more fuel into the fire. When we see the heightening of gender transformation, it elevates the devastating power of the curse. It says the hope of the world is sex. This empowers a number of  people to start running astray claiming to be something they are not.

    “Lawrence, who is the highest among men, has risen far above the wisdom of sexual orientation of the world. Therefore, sex orientation no longer carries wisdom, says the Lord”

“I will always be above the wisdom of sex orientation because it is the wisdom of the governments of the world. Therefore, I can confidently say that sex orientation is unable to stand against me all the days of my life. When I see the growing culture of false sexual orientation I see the future with no hope, says Lawrence NUMBER ONE”